Tuesday 26 November 2013

Asari-Dokubo Arrested In Benin Republic

By SaharaReporters, New York
The leader of the Niger Delta People’s Volunteer Force,
Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari, was today arrested in
Cotonou, Benin Republic.
A statement by his lawyer, Festus Keyamo, said Dokubo
was picked up by the police between 1:00pm and 2:00pm
around the Lubeleyi roundabout, and taken to an
unknown destination.
The wealthy former militant reportedly opened a
private university in the Benin Republic, the King
Amachree African University that is preparing to start
degree-awarding programmes in 2014.
“We want to emphasise that Alhaji Dokubo-Asari carries
on legitimate business and has been living partly in
Benin Republic for many years now,” Keyamo said in his
statement. “In fact, he owns houses, schools and an
academy in that country. All these places have been
searched as at this evening and nothing incriminating
was found.”
He suggested that Dokubo’s arrest and detention may
be a ploy by “certain forces in Nigeria in unholy alliance
with the Beninoise government” to keep his client away
as 2015 approaches.
“We call on the Nigerian government to immediately
intervene and ensure that no harm befalls Alhaji
Dokubo-Asari and to use all diplomatic means to secure
his immediate release and safe return to Nigeria,” he
Dokubo has in recent times vowed that unless Mr.
President Jonathan retains the presidency in 2015,
Nigeria would break up.

Why We Must All Do Our Bits To Make Nigeria A Functional Country By Tony Ishiekwene

"Mrs. Goodluck Jonathan’s mum was in Germany earlier
this year for a medical checkup. She died a few months
later in a car accident on a bad road in Port Harcourt.
Ironically, the same road that killed her was then
repaired for her
funeral."****** Yemi Adamolekun  (The Punch online:
Accessed 20/11/2013)
The above quote was part of a write up by Ms. Yemi
Adamolekun, in the Nigerian Punch newspaper of
November 20, 2013, titled “A wake up call for Nigerian
Elites, and I wish Nigerians of all walks of life- elites,
the political leadership and the follower ship read Ms
Adamolekun and wake up from their slumber, literally
and metaphorically.
There are great lessons to be learnt from her write-up
and I hope Punch newspaper should re-publish it so more
Nigerians, particularly the gluttonous, greedy and
selfish Nigerian elites would see some reason to stop the
destruction of the only Country we can call our own- a
very blessed country, but for its leadership and it’s
over-pampered political and economic elites. If only
the people would listen to the type of candid admonition
offered by Yemi! Look at that lady (Will never learn
any lesson, because she is dumb) who just buried her
mum flying all over the place with chains of wasteful
presidential jets with her coterie of "hangers-on" and
free-loaders- men and women wasting state resources
in Bangkok, Thailand; three weeks ago she flew a
hundred women praise-singers to South Korea, in cash-
for-PhD award ceremony. The husband developed self-
inflicted tummy cramp and almost avoided "Nigeria
Investment Lecture (HICC)" in far away London, after
over-indulging with "fine Wine, “Alcohol and choice food
also using Nigerian tax-payers money, with a crowd of
another 100 or more free-loaders at London high brow
“Intercontinental Hotel,” including Ruben Abati- yes,
"confused" Abati!
Nigerians, particularly the elites don't understand that
these "robbing Peter to pay Paul" mentality amounts to
a "Zero-sum game." no winners, as a dysfunctional
system is the end game, and we are all losers,
ultimately. When you steal too much from the poor, the
ills and consequences of poverty haunt you at the end,
no matter how crafty you think you are. In more decent
climes, thieves hardly get away with their crime; but
the few who do, give enormously to charity; our
Nigerian, and most African system gluttons and
Kleptomaniacs hardly give back to the weak and
vulnerable members of their society; we dehumanise the
poor with obscene celebration of ill-gotten wealth- how
many big cars I have, how many imposing mansions I
have at high brow areas in Nigeria and Europe and US,
even "my generator is better than yours" syndrome!
Achieving personal economic and financial “success” at
the expense of the overall system you belong will never
guarantee you peace or wellbeing, as the Nigerian
rogues have found to their chagrin, as they build high
“prison” walls to avoid dare devil robbers; and some die
in the sky on their way to Europe and American
Only God saved my life in 1996 when I lost my best
Nigerian friend and brother, Clement Ojie in April, 1996
in a Road Traffic Accident between Ijebu-Ode and
Shagamu. I was laying on the road unconscious, with
Clem's body lying right by me in that dual carriage-way
on the hot afternoon of that day, unknowing to me. No
Ambulance to pick me, and thankfully Jude Ojie (now a
medical Doctor in the US) was unhurt from the same
car accident, and he dragged me to the road side,
before a mad driver crushed me to pieces. Everyone
was driving past a panting Tony by the wayside,
unconcernedly, until a a good guy-whom I don't know
till this day- but God will continue to bless him,
wherever he may be- and driving on the opposite
direction of the dual carriage way drove all the way to
the next exit, reversed and came to take me to Ogun
State University Teaching Hospital, Shagamu. What a
good Samaritan that guy was (Super good Nigerian
man), and may I also say a big thank you to Messrs
Fidelis Okenmor Tilije, Alhaji Sam Oku, etal who drove
down from Lagos after I regained some consciousness to
take me to Igbobi Orthopaedic hospital for further
treatment- not forgetting the help with mobility
equipments from my good friend, Pastor Joe Attueyi,
especially en-route my flight back to a London hospital.
Friends and relations sometimes ask me to return to
Nigeria, because I could do better in terms of making
big money; but there are certain things money can't
buy and they are too many because the place (Nigeria)
is dysfunctional- A system where there are no rules, or
where there are different rules for different folks
breeds anarchy! And then you wonder why the people
think that a 24 hour supply of electricity is "rocket
science!" These are the things I am used to in the past
27 years or so; No, it doesn't go off 24/7, 365 days a
year it is constant. And they are human beings not
Angels or Pastors running the show here. A friend from
Nigeria came to cook in my kitchen and she was asking
about the "Gas Cylinder," or something like that; I told
her I have never seen one in 27+ years, and she
wondered how the gas comes 24/7 non-stop. I told her
I don't know where the gas comes from, including the
one I use to heat the flat in winter; I just pay my bills
to EDF and I let their MD worry about how Tony
Ishiekwene gets his cooking gas. He fiddles or mucks
about with my gas, and I'd meet them in court, simple!
The warehouse could be in Timbuktu, Acapulco or in the
Cloud or underground bunker for all I care!
Anyway let us all try and do our bits to get Nigeria
back-on-track. The follower ships have shown too much
“mumurity” in taking all the shenanigans of our political
elites. The political office holders rape and commit
“murder” in the name of their peoples,whom they
impose themselves on, but pretend to be “elected by my
people.” Elections in Nigeria since 1999 have been
largely farcical, to say the least. Stop aiding and
abetting the rigging of elections,” so the best man/
woman for the job gets it. Yaa, in half-decent countries
of the world, practicing true democracies, individual’s
capacity, ability and integrity are vetted before
granting political leadership role to them. That way
their first-rate run their affairs, not third-rate like
we have currently in Nigeria. It's either true democracy
or dictatorship, no half-way or in-between kind of
democracy; I don't buy this idea of "nascent"
democracy therefore electoral fraud should be
condoned. Electoral fraud and the imposition of
charlatans as political leaders is at the heart of all the
problems buffeting Nigeria.

Warfare Among Tribes By Oguchi

Have you run across this recipe for Tribes facing the
dissolution of the treaty that binds them together?
Here it is:
Pass a referendum bill…referendum campaigns
conducted in a constructive manner…the need for a
robust yet respectful debate…arguments “passionate”
and “at times heated”, but informed and constructive…
debate should be free from intimidation, jeering and
sneering…politicians must not “go to war” over whether
or not tribes should leave the political union…the sides
on this question are not enemies…conduct this debate
without losing the friendships and the positive
relationships we have…whatever the result we will want
to come together and whatever the people have decided
we will want to act upon…mustn’t create a legacy of
bitterness and hatred…a civilised debate rather than
warfare between tribes…
On November 15 2013, BBC News Scotland reported:
“Scottish independence: MSPs pass referendum bill”.
But it was Tom Peterkin reporting in the Scottish THE
SCOTSMAN who gave us the insight and advice pouring
from the hearts and minds of the Scottish leadership in
“Scottish independence referendum bill
passed” ( http://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/top-
stories/scottish-independence-... ). In there, Mr.
Malcom Chisolm is reported to have stated the guiding
and enduring agenda:
“What we need to have is a civilised debate rather than
warfare between two tribes.”
By now, it is no longer news that Scotland is engaged in
the exercise of her rights of Self Determination,
pursuing steps to forge ahead and craft her own
political and sovereign destiny outside of the United
Kingdom, leaving a union resulting from a 300-year-old
treaty. The UK government and the rest of UK have not
tried to quash, subdue, suppress, intimidate or
criminalize the process, nor threatened Scottish leaders
and their people with the charge of Treason. UK has not
bandied around the term, “indivisible” to mock and
frustrate Scottish moves; UK has not made any claims
of a special Divine dispensation guaranteeing her unity
or stamping unity on her Seal. Rather, UK respects the
right of her citizens and her tribal groupings to decide
what is good for them and where they [want to] belong
politically; and UK is determined, as a matter of
principle and course, to abide by, facilitate and carry
out such decisions. The rest of the world accepts the
process, too. One does not read anywhere that such and
such a country, superpower or not, is invested in the
unity of UK; or that a “united UK” is supreme, and as
such, Scotland is vilified and discouraged in her bid to
leave, because “to keep UK one” is now an imperative to
be achieved at all costs.
There are lessons here for Nigeria, most of them
obvious, some not so obvious. For example, Scottish
leader, Mr. Chisolm, sees the situation as an issue
between “Tribes”. Wow! That word, Tribe, is a dirty
word for Nigeria, a derogatory term retained from the
regime of those who bequeathed their language to
Nigeria and first used that word as an insult against
Nigerians. No one in Nigeria can admit his or her tribe
—not if he or she does not want to be thoroughly
disparaged and condemned as a “Tribalist.” But to
those who own the word and the language whence it
derives, Tribe is a mark of natural identity which
neither a three-century-old Union-treaty nor
globalization can erase or take away. There in UK, it is
still the “Queen of England”, not the Queen of UK;
“the Prince of Wales”, not the Prince of UK, where
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland are the major
tribal groupings of UK. They know and understand that
the Tribe is the most natural and logical unit and basis
for sovereignty and sovereign pursuits. They do not
forget or deny their collective natural identity which is
defined by Tribe.
Another lesson for Nigeria is this: why is it acceptable
for other tribes in the world to exercise their Self
Determination rights, but the same world frowns upon
and discourages African Tribes from seeking the same
basic collective human rights? Isn’t it ironic and
patronizing that the same UK government which allows
its own citizens to purse a referendum for separation is
yet the most ardent opposer of Nigerian Tribes seeking
the same relief and disposition? Why does the US make
[reported] statements implying that the continued
forced unity of Nigeria is in the best interest (of the
US?) and must remain so, even though the Nigerian
Tribes want to do what the Scottish did not have to
seek others’ permission to do, what the Scottish Tribe is
allowed to do in UK? Nigerians, indeed, Africans, must
be lesser human beings, not human enough to partake
of natural liberties taken for granted by the rest
humanity on this planet? Why do the tribes in Nigerian,
in Africa, allow themselves to be deprived of these
liberties, either by other countries and or their
expectations, or by their own self?
In any case, Nigeria should learn and understand that
the desire and pursuit of leaving a union by a Tribe as
such does not constitute declaring or waging war
against the union. In 1707 the Scottish Tribe signed a
Treaty with Britain to form a political union. In 2014,
the Scots are going to decide either to continue to
honor the treaty or to pull out: that’s all there is to
that. They don’t even have to have an adverse reason to
do so; it’s their right. The act is not confrontational.
Obviously, there are plenty of reasons why Nigeria’s
1904 political “Amalgamation” “Treaty” cannot stand;
any Tribe opting to leave has plenty of justification. To
read such a move as a hostile act against Nigeria is not
called for; such characterization is neither logical nor
justifiable. In other words, it cannot and should not
constitute or be regarded as a threat to Nigeria or to
Nigerians (or to the world) that any Tribe or Tribes
want to leave Nigeria.
As Nigeria prepares to engage in what is now looking
like a “been there, seen that, done that” exercise (in
futility), otherwise known as a Sovereign National
Conference, wherein the outcome of continued non-
consenting, unequal and forced union of Tribes is
already a fixed endpoint, it is crucial that Tribes and
peoples living and suffering in Nigeria wake up and take
notice. Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, one cannot
continue to do the same thing the same way over and
over again and expect a different result. The Scottish
Tribe of UK has handed you a recipe which fits Nigeria’s
situation where Tribes desire to leave the (unworkable)
union. Use it wisely; use it. Ignore it at your own
continued peril. Here are the essential steps the Scots
are taking:
- Craft and approve a Tribe Self Determination
Referendum Bill
- Debate the Referendum
- Specify Procedural details
- Focus on what Independence really means
- Vote on the Referendum
- Resolve to carry out the Tribes’ wishes
- No hard feelings—preserve goodwill.
Oguchi Nkwocha, MD.
Nwa Biafra
A Biafran Citizen

New PDP And APC Merger In Abuja

Photos of the announcement of merger between
officials of the New Peoples Democratic Party (nPDP)
and leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC). The
NPDP public renounced the ruling Peoples Democratic
Party to join the APC.
Some of the faces at the merger includes Ogbonaya
Onu, nPDP chairman, Kawu Baraje, Senator Bukola
Saraki, Governor Rotimi Amaechi, former Lagos
Governor, Bola Tinubu, chair of the APC, Chief Bisi

Police In Abuja Say They Are Not Sure Gunmen Attacked Stella Oduah’s CAR

Embattled Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah
By SaharaReporters, New York
The police in the Federal Capital Territory said on
Monday night that they are examining metals
purportedly fired by gunmen who reportedly shot at a
car belonging to the Minister of Aviation, Ms Stella
Oduah, in Abuja.
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Altine Daniel, speaking
for the police, told the News Agency of Nigeria
(NAN)that the incident occurred at about 10PM on
Friday, but was only reported to the police on Monday.
Confirming the incident, the minister’s spokesperson,
Joe Obi claimed that the shooting took place at
Ministers’ Hill in Maitama area of the Federal capital
territory, Abuja.
It was not clear if the vehicle was the Minister’s private
car, or an official one, but Ms. Daniel also said Ms.
Oduah was not in the vehicle when the incident took
According to the police spokesperson, some strange
metal objects were discovered in the vehicle, which will
be subjected to ballistics examination.
Mrs. Oduah recently stepped into hot water when news
broke she authorized the purchase with official funds
of two bullet proof cars by the Nigerian Civil Aviation
Authority for her use.
Returning from the United Kingdom on Sunday,
President Goodluck Jonathan confirmed that he had
received the report of a three-man committee he set
up to probe the role of the Minister in it.
Nigerians are calling for the Minister to be prosecuted,
but Mr. Jonathan did not say if any action would be
One analyst contacted by SaharaReporters tonight said
Friday’s ‘attack’ might have been something stage-
managed to attract some sympathy to the Minister.


Real Man Thought .
Let me be your comfort your shoulder to lean on, the hands that
caress your back, the mouth that kisses your soul...Just Let
me...Let me Love you the right way when so many others have
done you the wrong way, let me..just let me allow my wisdom to
fill your mind with a reality that increases in time..yourthoug hts
add up with mine..grown man and woman combine...To bust and
explode our passions unload..Let me..Let me fill that void that was
left empty by the past and make your present so glad..Let
me..just Let me....No more No less


How To Have A Vibrant Sex
Life .
If you want to make the most of your sex life, these sex tips
are a good way to start. As long as you're talking and
listening to each other, you're well on the way to a healthy
sex life. However, even the most contented lovers can have
fun trying new things, so here are some ideas.
1. Build anticipation
Agree on a period of time, say one week, when you won’t
have orgasms or penetrative sex. At first, allow only kissing
and holding each other. Gradually move on to touching and
stroking each other, masturbation, oral sex, or whatever
feels right for you. But avoid orgasm. At the end of the
week, allow yourselves the pleasure of orgasm, through any
kind of sex you like. This week may help to heighten your
senses to all the other wonderful feelings you can share
when you’re having sex.
2. Massage
Massage can help you have very sensual sex. As part of
foreplay, it's a great way to start things off slowly, and
relax into the feel of each other’s skin as your arousal
But a simple massage that doesn’t lead to sex can also work
wonders for your sex life. A non-sexual massage will
familiarise (or refamiliarise) you with your partner’s body,
reduce stress and reaffirm the intimacy between you. If you
don’t want a massage to lead to sex, discuss this with your
partner so you can avoid any misunderstanding.
3. The senses
Good sex can embrace all the senses, not just touch.
Scented oil for a massage (don't get oil on a latex condom as
this can damage it), music and candles for soft lighting can all
be erotic, as well as listening to your partner’s breathing and
the sounds that they make. Taste each other as you kiss. If
you both want to, you could mix food and sex - feed each
other something delicious and juicy, such as strawberries.
4. Whisper
Whether it’s sweet nothings or your sexy intentions,
whispering things to each other can add an extra thrill. It
doesn’t have to be during foreplay or sex. A sexy phone call
leave both of you looking forward to the event for hours or
This works with texts and emails too, but make sure you
send them to the right person, and remember that your
employer has the right to access your work email.
5. Read a book
There are many books that have exercises and ideas to help
you achieve a fulfilling sex life, whatever your age, gender,
sexual orientation or taste. If you’ve never thought about
buying a book about sex, why not do it now? You might wish
you’d done it years ago.
6. Share fantasies and desires
Everyone has unique fantasies, tastes and preferences
when it comes to sex. From earlobes to ankles, hairline to
hips, pirates to picnics, don’t be afraid to talk about them. If
you and your partner know about each other’s turn-ons, you
can make the most of them.
7. Keep it clean
We’re talking about your general hygiene. You don’t have to
keep yourself super-scrubbed: a certain amount of sweat is
fine, as long as it isn’t overwhelming. But be respectful
towards your partner, and wash every day to prevent nasty
smells and tastes.
8. Relax
Sex with a loving partner can be one of the most beautiful
and intense experiences in life. Sometimes the best sex
happens when you’re not worrying about making it exciting or
orgasmic. Relax with your partner, and great sex may come
and find you.

Sunday 11 August 2013


MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!! -!!! One day that guy or girl will MISS YOU. I mean that person who was so special to you, whom you trusted and loved so much with all your heart but paid you back by cheating on you, asking you to give him or her space, fooling you with fake excuses and eventually dumping you with no genuine reason. He or she will realize that you were the right person for him or her but it will be too late to make it up to you. You have done whatever it takes, you have cried and pleaded for that person but there’s no change! Come on enough is enough. Just try to leave your life now, go back to your old ways and forget that person. I know it’s very hard but if you surrender everything to GOD he can deal with it. Be strong and happy again because you’re someone’s reason to smile. Life goes on my friend. HAPPY NEW WEEK.

Monday 20 May 2013


Vice president----NORTH
Senate president -----NORTH
Speaker House of Reps ---NORTH
PDP National Chairman ---NORTH
Head of Service ------NORTH
INEC Chairman ------NORTH
Inspector General of Police ----NORTH
CBN Governor -------NORTH
Chief justice of The Federation ----NORTH
President Court of Appeal-----NORTH
EFCC Chairman --------NORTH
Presidentr Federal High Court----NORTH
National Security Adviser -----NORTH
Chief Of Defense Staff ----NORTH
Controller, Custom Service ---NORTH
Controller, Prison Service-----NORTH
Richest Man in Nigeria -------NORTH
85% of Petroleum marketers in Nigeria ----NORTHERNERS
80% of Oil Block Owners In Nigeria ----NORTHERNERS
Boko Haram ---------NORTH
Anti Biafra ---------NORTHerners