Saturday 1 October 2016

New York Times begs Latinos to vote against Trump


The New York Times urged Latinos Saturday to get out and vote, calling it a way to help defeat Donald Trump and assert their growing role in American society.

In an editorial, the influential paper noted that Trump has pledged to built a wall on the border with Mexico to keep out migrants and insulted Mexicans and other minorities throughout the campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, it added, has solid plans to address issues that matter to Latinos, such as the economy, education, and access to health care, and has pledged to make immigration a reform a priority.

“In addition to defeating a bully, Latinos have plenty of reasons to enthusiastically support Mr. Trump’s main rival,” said the editorial, also published in Spanish.Strong Latino turnout on November 8 could help Clinton win in key battleground states and change how US political parties perceive Hispanic voters and how they deal with them in the future, the paper said.

“America’s 56 million Latinos — one third of whom are under 18 — are helping to shape America’s future in classrooms, workplaces and neighborhoods. It is only a matter of time before their mark on the nation’s politics matches their contributions in other spheres,” the paper said.

“That moment should start now.”


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