Sunday 2 October 2016

‘Nigeria is safer, better under Buhari’

President Buhari


A Presidential Aide, Lauretta Onochie on Sunday said that Nigeria was safer and better under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari than it was under President Jonathan.

Onochie, a Personal Assistant on Social Media to President Buhari, wrote in an article in response to the comment by People’s Democratic Party’s Director of New Media, Mr Deji Adeyanju.

It would be recalled that Adeyanju had said that the 2016 Independence Anniversary was the worst since 1960, adding that the current administration was breaking rules of law and infringing on rights.

However, Ms Onochie stressed that all the problems of the current administration were caused by the previous administrations, especially that of President Jonathan which Adeyanju was a part of.

“The whole world is aware that Nigeria is a much secure and safe nation under President Buhari.

“The American Secretary of State, John Kerry has been dashing around Nigeria in safety, Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, was seen on the streets of Nigeria, jogging with ordinary Nigerians in safety.

“Nigerians, even those in the North East are moving about.

“The truth is that, unlike the insensitive PDP bunch, President Buhari and his team is sensitive to Nigerians.

“They are aware of the present sufferings and hardships Nigerians are going through. They are not just sympathetic to the plight of Nigerians, but they are working round the clock to bring succour to them.

“They are prudent in the management of our scarce resources. They will not spend our hard earned resources on “pomp and pageantry” celebration while Nigerians suffer.

“He has assured that the present recession is temporary. We believe him,” she said.

She said that she would have ignored the ‘ranting’ of Adeyanju, but needed to point out that Nigerian were better and happier before the administration of former President Jonathan which Adeyanju was part of.

Onochie said that even the celebrations that characterised independence anniversary in the last administration were only for a few and not for the ordinary Nigerians.

“Pomp and pageantry were what Deji was really after.

“That is what he was used to. It would start with Deji and his co travellers in the ruination train of Nigeria being invited to the Presidential Villa.

“At the villa, choice wines, spirits and champagnes, worth hundreds of millions of Naira would be gulped down, spilled and even vomited.

“Food, mostly imported from America, South Africa and United Kingdom, would be consumed at tax payers’ expense.

“No ordinary Nigerian was invited to be part of this pomp and pageantry.

“Independence Anniversary party packs can range from an invitation to the Office of the National Security Adviser, NSA, to cart away GHANA must go bagful of Naira or Dollars.

“Ordinary citizens stayed home in deep reflection of how to get rid of Deji Adeyanju and his big brothers and sisters!

“How then can the one whose cohorts recolonised us talk about liberty?

“Nigerians were not part of this pomp and pageantry. Nigerians wallowed in poverty, insecurity and suffered the consequences of the corrupt activities of Deji Adeyanju’s friends.

“How can the inability of not being able to feed our families, pay our children’s fees, afford basic health care needs, driven from ones ancestral homes, families separated from one another be termed “Liberty”? she queried.

She alleged that Adeyanju only cared about the current situation because he was no longer benefitting as he had been used to.

Onochie, therefore expressed optimism that the current economic situation would soon be over as the current administration was working hard to steer the nation away from recession.


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